To apply a filter, go to menu Project Filter. The default filter is the All Tasks filter. When you select a filter, both the sheet and chart portions of the Gantt Chart display the information as defined by that filter's criteria. Right-click a resource and click Unhide. The Gantt Chart view can use any of the task filters to display only the tasks you want to see.Try to assign resources always to subtasks, not summery tasks. To unhide a resource, navigate to the Hidden Resources section of Program Settings. After you have added resources to your project, you can assign them to tasks.

Drag the resource(s) you want to hide from the Library panel to the Hidden Resources section.Scroll down to the Hidden Resources section and expand it.You can dock this panel as well, but the process works the same whether the panel is floating or docked in your main display. Note: This may open Program Settings in a floating window. Click the Help Panel Menu icon in the upper right corner of the app and select Program Settings.Open your Library (docking this panel by dragging the Library icon to the main Logos display will make the rest of the process much easier).With your Resource(s) selected, hold Ctrl (Windows) or Opt (Mac) and right-click the blank space of a selected resource.Note: You can either hold Ctrl and select multiple resources one by one, or you can click the first resource and then click the last resource while holding Shift to select the first and last resources in addition to all of those in between. Select the Resource(s) you wish to hide by clicking the blank space next to the title.Open your Library (dock this panel by dragging the library icon to your Logos display for ease of use).It’s especially useful as your project grows and you have lots and lots of tasks spanning a long timeline. This allows you to segment your project into easy-to-digest chunks. In TeamGantt, you can filter based on Person, Label, Date, and/or Task Color. Using the Library or Program Settings, you can quickly and easily hide resources so they don’t appear in your Library, Search, etc. You can use filters for a variety of things in your gantt chart. Logos doesn't allow you to delete resources and removing them from your local installation simply offloads them to the cloud. What can you do if you have books in your Logos library that you know you're never going to use? Maybe they're in a language you can't read, or you prefer a different version of the same resource.